Marloe "Maloy" Uy is a bright student, an obedient son, a brother to nine, a good and fun friend, a great lover (but sadly had none), a package that rarely exist.
A Student:
As a Electronics and Communications Engineering student for 5 years and counting, I had been an experienced and open-minded student. For the last 19 years of my life, I thought knowledge can only be earned by studying and going to school. As I mature and experiences build up, I realized that true knowledge is experienced-based. Something that can be learned in school but can only be understand fully though life. I had great potential but I chose the rough but fun road to wisdom.
I am also a working student allowing myself to enjoy a tuition fee privileged and lately had joined the world of freelancing as an SEO consultant. These enables me to enjoy an education I can afford.
A Son and A Brother:
I was born in a fishing village in a peaceful town in Mindanao, the land of promise. A land with unsurpassed beauty but had been threated badly, viewed negatively by others.
My father, as a striving entrepreneur had successfully sustained 7 of us. The road was never easy but it had been fun. I learned a lot from my family, from my parents. From morality, to ethics and proper conduct, to good habits and the love for family. I am a breed from the province, naive but strong-willed, simple but refined, poor but rich in spirit.
I was born in a family where wrong deeds are meet with irons and thorns. It had been a rough childhood but everything was justified. The road to life was never smooth and easy.
A Friend:
I may not be the best but I never betray a friend. I can be trusted and really be supportive when I want to. I can't say much. Maybe some of my friends can??
A Lover:
I can't say much about my current love affair since I had none. I am currently in love but the feeling is not mutual. A one-sided love is a painful kind of love. Something that can kill you slowly. Love is a decision, it is a choice. However, I am having a problem on letting her know my pure feelings. She is everything I had been looking for. The damsel in distress that I will risk my life every day.